Retirement Blog

Addressing the Election Shakeup

September 5, 2024

election shakeup

There is a rumor that “may you live in interesting times” is some sort of ancient Chinese curse. It is more of an ironic statement, but here we are.

The entire country was thrown for a loop in mid-July when President Biden announced he would not seek reelection. This threw the election and campaign cycle into flux after it was well underway for both Republican and Democrat parties.

Regardless of what November’s election will mean for social politics, there is the need to consider how this could affect markets and economic factors. You must consider how it may influence your retirement and savings strategies1.

More information is sure to come out as the final months of the presidential race takes shape. However, there will likely be a new configuration (or at least new faces) in the legislative and executive governmental branches that may propose, craft, and enforce new laws and regulations. These changes will affect your finances. You need to know what that could mean for you and your plans.

We can help describe some of the ways your financial future could be affected by the coming decisions. Schedule a complimentary consultation today!
