With the 2024 presidential election nearing, it is still unsure how things will pan out with government or what new circumstances could shift a given administration’s focus moving forward. That said, it is never too early to speculate. Especially when considering retirement and future finances. After all, the best way...
Read MoreThere is a rumor that “may you live in interesting times” is some sort of ancient Chinese curse. It is more of an ironic statement, but here we are. The entire country was thrown for a loop in mid-July when President Biden announced he would not seek reelection. This threw...
Read MoreSave some for a rainy day. Hope for the best, but plan for anything. You never know what tomorrow will bring. There are no shortages of words or phrases that have been used for generations to convey a simple sentiment: take care of yourself. As you approach retirement, preparation for...
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