Retirement Blog

National Financial Awareness Day

August 11, 2022

financial awareness

Did you know that August 14 is National Financial Awareness Day?
While the origin of the holiday is unknown, it serves as a great reminder to instill positive financial practices. Financial awareness, or financial literacy, is “the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing.”1  You can improve your financial IQ by learning more about personal finance, analyzing your spending, and working with a financial professional.
Why is National Financial Awareness Day important? It reminds us that finances don’t have to be confusing and making sound financial decisions can help you spend less time working and more enjoying life.2 It also reminds us to prepare for the unforeseeable future because making smart decisions now will hopefully benefit you down the road.2
We believe that knowledge is power, and the more you know the better off you will be in your financial journey. Now is the perfect time to learn all you can about personal finance, analyze your spending, and meet with a financial professional. We are here to serve as a resource of financial education. Contact us to ask any questions you may have today!
